Monday, March 30, 2009

#139 - life spread with flowers of gratitude

By Tomas Karkalas

... just miraculous blogroll of Gratitude will end this post, yet that would be not the end but the beginning - the joy to welcome your site to the community I am proud of knocking on now. This vision urged me to hurry and thus I again jumped over the time into the wonderland of what was high above my potency to put in human words. So let me return back for making everything plain.

As I turned on my computer today, Are you grateful? What are you grateful for? What does "Gratitude" mean to you? looked at me from a screen. WOW! came out of itself. These were not the questions for musing, but the keys to the dreamland. The keys that were lost by me while I was trying to report what and why was not done by me till now. The keys that were retrieved as I shifted from self to what I was grateful for - to you. The thoughts about the current hardships were immediately replaced with the hot Thank you! I forgot all my limitations and my sick body became the brave herald. I have read. Just look below:

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